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  • Mr. Raju, who friends say is a voracious reader of scientific philosophers such as Karl Popper and political philosophers including Karl Marx, didn't shine in his studies until he went to Ohio University for a master's in business administration, says Mr. Jacob.

    Friends Try to Reconcile 2 Sides of Indian Executive 2009

  • In many ways, Mr. Hedges fights apocalypticism with apocalypticism; tellingly, American Fascists is sprinkled throughout with quotations from mid-century thinkers such as Karl Popper, Paul Tillich and Hannah Arendt — all European émigrés who just barely escaped the Nazis.

    Fearsome Extremists Massing in Their Pews 2004

  • In many ways, Mr. Hedges fights apocalypticism with apocalypticism; tellingly, American Fascists is sprinkled throughout with quotations from mid-century thinkers such as Karl Popper, Paul Tillich and Hannah Arendt — all European émigrés who just barely escaped the Nazis.

    Fearsome Extremists Massing in Their Pews 2004

  • To paraphrase Karl Popper: a Diana conspiracy theorist cannot open a newspaper without finding on every page confirming evidence for their view of history.)

    Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me 2008

  • To paraphrase Karl Popper: a Diana conspiracy theorist cannot open a newspaper without finding on every page confirming evidence for their view of history.)

    End of a circus? 2008

  • Mankind has inherited this wisdom from millennia of experience, and our understanding has been enriched further by the great liberal thinkers, some of my favorites being Isaiah Berlin, Karl Popper, F.A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises.

    Literature and the Search for Liberty Mario Vargas Llosa 2011

  • He rejects appeals to authority but constantly defers to the philosopher Karl Popper, who can be a weirdly dogmatic opponent of dogmatism.

    To Err Is Progress John Horgan 2011

  • Nobody was more mainstream than Karl Popper, the philosopher of science, and he also talked about the "Three Worlds" of "objects", "mental events" and the "products of the human mind", with the last, 'World Three', corresponding roughly to the noosphere.

    Jason Silva: Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants and the Evolution of the Noosphere Jason Silva 2011

  • The great 20th-century philosopher of science, Karl Popper, famously defined a scientific question as one that can be framed as a falsifiable hypothesis.

    Economics Is Useful, but Not Nearly as Much as Physics 2010

  • He did exactly what Karl Popper said a real scientist should do and made a “costly prediction” about the future direction of scientific discoveries.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Mankiw! 2010


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